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Hotel Reviews 2.0 - Semantic summary of reviews

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Pier 2650, San Francisco
Analysis based on the last 500 reviews.
Semantic Analysis for Hotel Reviews extracted 3503 meaningful pieces of information

Technical Parameters:
[avg. Detailedness: 7.01 pieces of information/review]
[avg. Speed: 0.16 s / review, time of analysis 500 reviews: 78.07 s]
[avg. Precision: 95.5%, avg. Recall 82.8%, avg. F1=88.4% - based on tests made on data from the same source]

Below, you find the automatic semantic summary made from 500 reviews - after processed by Semantic Analysis for Hotel Reviews (RapidAPI link) - no additional NLP/NLU/ML or post-processing needed.

You can click on red, yellow, grey and green blocks to see sentences from reviews describing the specific situation (e.g. Room -> Nice, comfy), not the whole review. It saves a lot of time and allow to focus on the things that matter the most for the user.

Opinions about Hotel & Vibe

opinion overall good, satisfied 384 will return 105 will recommend 80 overall disappointed 30 not recommend 16 will not return 13
hotel clean 78 gem 64 renovated 14 safe 12 dirty 9 smelly 7 awful 5 not as advertised 2 outdated 1
vibe pleasant 16 crowded 4 peaceful, calm 4 unpleasant 3
hotel  not safe 1


recommended for family 5 romantic stay 1
not recommended for family 1

Opinions about Service&Staff

staff helpful, friendly 284 unfriendly, unhelpful 44 professional 28 unprofessional 6
service great 27 poor 16
check-in fast 15 slow 3
manager unhelpful, ineffective 9 great 3
cleaning service poor, careless 6 great 6
room service lack of 4
valet service great 1

Opinions about Price & Payment

hotel adequate price 39 expensive 38 overpriced 23 inexpensive 1
payment additional fees 52 money waste 5 bill problem 3 refound problem 2

Opinions about Room & Bathroom

room noisy 182 clean 160 nice, comfy 148 nice decor 108 spacious 85 quiet 49 renovated 20 dirty 9 bad view 9 smelly 8 great view 7 small 6 sth broken 5 outdated 3
bed comfy 82 uncomfy 10
bathroom nice 23 clean 7 shower problem 4 lack of amenities 4 well equipped 3 dirty 2 bathtub problem 1 small 1
amenities plenty, rich 11 poor lighting 6 poor, lack of 3
kitchen amenities available 10
ac problem 8

Opinions about Addons

parking expensive 16 not free 7 great 3 small 1
wifi problem 7 works good 5 free 5 slow 2
fitness great 8 poor, limited 1
tv bad, poor channels 4 great 3
pool closed, lack of 4

Opinions about Location

location great 421 bad 1
close to local attractions 154 public transportation 70 restaurants 61 shopping 30 center 8 nature 7 beach 3 airport 2
neighborhood not safe 10 safe 5

Opinions about Food&Breakfast

breakfast great, tasty 122 free 33 rich, plenty options 30 poor, limited 11 not provided 7 bad 5 not included 2
food price overpriced 9 adequate 2

These data are basic building blocks to almost any travel functionality (search, filtres, review summaries, fuel to chatbots, recommendation and more). Below, you will find an example of how a summary out of reviews could be presented to the user.

Client overall satisfaction

Overall good/satisfied (384) vs. Overall dissapointed (30)


Will come back (105) vs. Will not come back (13)


Will recommend (80) vs. Will not recommend (16)


Your Warnings & Important features

We analyzed the last 500 reviews and matched with your personal settings

ac problem 8
bed comfy 82 uncomfy 10
tv bad, poor channels 4 great 3
check-in fast 15 slow 3
kitchen amenities available 10
fitness great 8 poor, limited 1
pool closed, lack of 4

Opinions about the vibe

"Clean lines, great lighting and finishes while maintaining a warm and inviting atmosphere"
"Awesome vibes with friendly environment"
"This room has a cool vibe until you try and open a window or watch"
"While the hotel offers a cool vibe and rooms were large, room lighting is dark and the mattresses weren't fantastic"

vibe pleasant 16 crowded 4 peaceful, calm 4 unpleasant 3
room rather   noisy 182   than   quiet 49

Service satisfaction

helpful, friendly (284) vs. unfriendly, unhelpful (44)


Other opinions about staff & service
professional (28), great (27), unprofessional (6),

Cleaning Service

great (6) vs. poor, careless (6)


The truth about WiFi

wifi problem 7 works good 5 free 5 slow 2

7 people reported a problem with Wifi in that hotel, 2 said it was slow.
However, 5 guests claimed that WiFi works good and 5 said it is free.

Opinions about Price&Payment

hotel adequate price 39 expensive 38 overpriced 23 inexpensive 1
payment additional fees 52 money waste 5 bill problem 3 refound problem 2

food price overpriced 9 adequate 2

Opinions about Location

location great 421 bad 1
close to local attractions 154 public transportation 70 restaurants 61 shopping 30 center 8 nature 7 beach 3 airport 2
neighborhood not safe 10 safe 5

Users Recommendations

recommended for family 5 romantic stay 1
not recommended for family 1

"Not only was it safe it was also clean, family friendly, and in a perfect location to walk to Fishermans Wharf"
"A family friendly hotel with excellent location at the Wharf"
"Perfect for families"
"Great option for families"
"great for families"

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