Unicorn NLP

Language Understanding APIs

Unicorn NLP

Language Understanding APIs

App Reviews 2.0 Demo - Semantic summary of random reviews

Below, you find the automatic semantic summary made from 1000 reviews - after processed by Semantic Analysis for App Reviews API (RapidAPI link) - no additional NLP/NLU/ML or post-processing needed.

You can click on red, yellow, grey and green blocks to see sentences from reviews describing the specific situation: app description, recommendation, general feeling, opinions about usability/price/service, etc.

App description

great graphics 17 challenging app 16 great design 6 stable app 2 not challenging 1 great features 1 poor functions 1


will recommend 23 not recommend 11 good for kids 9 good for learning 3

Opinions about Service

poor 3 good 1 good updates 1

Opinions about Payment & Price

worth the money 19 adequate price 6 not worth the money 6 free app 2 no refund 2


lots of ads 8
no ads, little ads 3

General opinion

love the app 155 addictive app 31 kids love it 29 frustration 9 uninstalling 7 waste of time 6 favorite app 6 used to love 6 disappointed 5 hate the app 5 game easy 4 stupid app 2 satisfied 2

General Feelings

great game 205 great app 187 fun app 93 helpful app 12 entertaining app 10 terrible app 9 boring app 5

Issues from users

app crashes, lags 14 not working 10 problems after updates 7 not loading 7 can't open 2 poor update 1 can't log in 1

Requests from users

please fix, help 29 want a refund 4 new update needed 3 add multiplayer option 1

Opinions about Usability

works well 24 easy to use 17 user-friendly 4 not easy to use 1 not user friendly 1 intuitive app 1

+ Additional models which are customized on your data and to your requirements (contact us to talk more).

Reviews 2.0 - Unlock the power hidden in reviews

You can use Semantic Analysis for App Reviews API hosted on RapidAPI and start implementing your interesting ideas today.

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Or you can send us a test dataset and see if you are happy with customized results.

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